Former Secretary-General of the ASEAN-Japan Center Visits UC

On December 22, 2010, former Secretary General of the ASEAN-Japan Center, H.E. Nobutoshi Akao, led a delegation from Japan to visit the University of Cambodia (UC). Professor Juro Nakagawa of the Graduate School of Business at Nihon University and Professor Masayuki Iwasa of the Human Security Program at the University of Tsukuba accompanied H.E. Akao. Both H.E. Akao and Professor Nakagawa are Special Advisors to the Japan Promotion Center for Advanced Technology (JPAT).

The purpose of their visit was to share new information regarding a small device for extracting hydroelectric power which is suitable for use in rural Cambodia; and a water conservation project, using a chemical system called Hydretain to promote retention of water around a plant’s roots in the topsoil by reducing evaporative losses. Hydretain thus reduces watering frequency, thus saving the amount of water consumers would have to use in order to water plants. H.E. Akao and his team are spearheading these initiatives in Cambodia. H.E. Akao also wanted to rekindle old ties with H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, UC President and Adviser to Samdech
Techo Prime Minister, given their long and enduring friendship.

Dr. Kao was receptive to the information, and reinforced the importance of hydroelectric power and water conservation in Cambodia.

Dr. Kao provided input with regard to the possible use of the Mekong River and the Tonle Sap as viable alternative sources for both water and hydroelectric power. Furthermore, the water conservation project will be very useful for the botanical garden that the University of Cambodia is scheduled to build in its Siem Reap campus in the future.