Election of the UCSS Seventh Mandate

Election of the UCSS Seventh Mandate
Chet Pisey (Head of Training and Translation)

The annual election to form the Seventh Mandate of the University of Cambodia Students’ Senate (UCSS) was held on December 29, 2012, under the oversight of H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, President of the University of Cambodia and H.E. Samraing Kamsan, member of the Board of Trustees, with the participation of the UC management team, staff and faculty members.

Prior to the start of the election process, H.E. Samraing Kamsan stated that it is vital to elect members to the Student Senate who will work very closely with students, faculty, communities and others involved with various activities and events. They must also be able to organize their projects by planning ahead.

Of the 43 students who registered as candidates, only 38 showed up. Each of these candidates was required to give a three-minute speech, stating their interests and commitment. The almost 150 students then selected their choices for the five posts. Thereafter, the ballots were counted in front of everyone and the winners declared, as follows:

President: Ms. Saya Linda
Vice President for Administrative
Affairs: Mr. Ang Sunghourt
Vice President for Technical Affairs:
Ms. Chhum Thida
Treasurer: Ms. Heng Malyka
Secretary: Ms. Lorn Thary

H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn congratulated the newly-elected members of the Seventh Mandate and asked them to be responsible and carry out their planned activities effectively for the interests of UC students and the community. “As those in the community have helped us, now we need to help them back,” he added.
H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn also extended his appreciation to all out-going members of the Sixth Mandate for their hard work and commitment to the university and society.
H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn then handed over the seal and stamp to the newly-elected Students Senate’s President for the Seventh Mandate and conferred complementary certificates to the outgoing members of the Sixth Mandate. UC would like to thank the members of the outgoing Sixth Mandate for their effort over the past year (for example, see pp. 8, 23, 27).

Top: UC students cast their ballots and insert them into a box. Middle: H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn hands over the stamp/seal to the newly elected President of the UCSS Seventh Mandate. Bottom: UCSS members with H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn and H.E. Samraing Kamsan.