College of Media and Communications


The University of Cambodia established the College of Media and Communications (CMC) to respond to the needs and demands of students, as well as the labor market; it also wanted to expand its offerings of Bachelor’s programs and reflect the trends of higher education. The College of Media and Communications and its Bachelor’s degree programs are officially approved by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) and the Royal Government of Cambodia through the issuance of a declaration (Prakas), Prakas on the Approval of College of Media and Communications (Prakas No.689) on March 10, 2015. CMC has best supporting facilities for faculties and students to be used, namely Southeast Asia Television and Radio Stations. CMC was established in the only university in the country that has its own media and communications systems to support teaching and learning practice of students in the fields of media and communications.


  • To provide academic excellence in theoretical and practical training in modern mass media in the context of a broader education in current affairs and related fields as part of a number of different Bachelor’s programs.
  • To produce graduates with knowledge and skills which are most suitable to the labor-market and needs for the social and economic development of Cambodia.


Today’s fast-changing environment, with the increasing sophistication, regionalization and globalization of the mass media and the rapid evolution of the social media, places new and constantly evolving demands on those who are directly involved in such media. Others in the public relations and other industries, whilst less directly involved, need to be aware of these developments in order to better fulfill their respective duties and communicate synergistically with those who are expected to implement their ideas. Thus, the College prepares students to be productive, creative and responsible global citizens with the personal theoretical and practical tools and the professionalism needed to pursue meaningful careers and do services for the benefit of the community at large and promote Cambodia’s standing on the regional and world stages. Develop the College as a center of teaching excellence through the encouraging logical and critical thinking, including by adapting and applying emerging technologies and approaches to enhance less formalized, more interactive classroom instruction.


  1. To provide real knowledge and skills to graduates who can have multiple opportunities in the job market and society.
  2. To teach students to be more open-minded and use their talents together with modern technology to create or invent something which is useful for the public and country as a whole.
  3. Produce graduates who do not only become good human resources for the nation, but also can compete in the job market both in the region and globally

Degree Programs

The College of Media and Communications provides unparalleled academic programs for both the International Track and Khmer Track as follows:

Bachelor’s Degrees

  • Media Arts and Studies
  • Visual Communications
  • Communication Studies
  • Journalism Studies